Like any other job location, every company has some specific standards that are in place to keep all the staff safe from a lot of different types of harm that might occur, in particular in a food company where everything whether it be a sharp knife to the hot ovens creates a world of a lot of responsibilities. Personal protective equipment, which is also known as PPE, is now used in a lot of industries to keep employees and the public safe from any viruses. In your restaurant industry, protective gloves, thick floor mats, and aprons may come into your mind. But do you know what exactly is required to keep everyone working in the background safe and to keep your business going? Here we have created a list of Personal Protective Equipment in the Commercial Kitchen.
How is PPE Relevant in the Kitchen?
Usually, the kitchen is the busiest and loud environment that can have several risks that could end up hurting someone who gets caught in the way, especially at the time of covid 19. All this personal Protective Equipment (PPE) in the Kitchen is used to minimize the risks and introductions to any other injuries or even cut down on major injuries and accidents. Usually, all the employees at the restaurant are automatically at a lot of risk of may it be burning themselves or being cut or wounded due to the usage of many different gadgets in the kitchen. This is the reason that employers must be provided with the perfect equipment to minimize these possible haphazard.
We are very well aware of the fact that not every injury can be avoided, so using PPE can help with a lot of additional safety. Not only for the people working in that kitchen but it can also help improve safety among customers who enter that restaurant. To stay away from costly lawsuits that are related to food contamination claims, a combination of PPE and restaurant insurance can keep a restaurant running without causing any disturbance. Restaurant insurance is also very essential to keep the business going and upholding a reputation as a responsible establishment. This kind of coverage will provide the essential financial support to take care of paying out claims or even just provide for court and representation costs.
What basic PPE Should Be Used?
What PPE should be worn in the kitchen? There are a lot of different choices that restaurants have when they are looking for the right PPE for kitchen staff. Written down below are some main pieces of PPE for cooking that can help limit risks and enhance safety:
- Apron: apart from covid 19 there are chances of hot liquids and spills that can be avoided while using an apron
- Oven Gloves: These gloves protect the hands of the employees who have to move hot plates pots and pans anywhere around the kitchen
- Footwear: you should always wear non-slip shoes, no matter what the environment may be, it will prevent slips and falls
- Disposable Vinyl Gloves: These gloves can protect the hands of the employee from hot foods, such as chilies and peppers during preparation that can irritate the skin and eyes.
Employers must provide appropriate protective equipment pieces to all members of their staff who might be at risk of any injury of any kind in the workplace, not just the restaurant. The equipment that they are being provided must be well-fitting, clean, and comfortable to be used efficiently and without any irritation.
PPE, Disinfectant and Sanitation Supplies for Commercial Kitchens

Apart from basic PPE that must be used to avoid any accident, there are some basic PPE protocols that you must follow in these pandemic days to protect yourself and your customers from contracting the disease.
Face Masks
According to the Centers for Disease Control (CDC), they recommend the use of face masks to lessen the risk of COVID-19 spread among people. Face masks are currently advised for employees and all customers as much as possible while they are not eating or drinking and when social distancing measures are difficult to keep. The CDC has suggested the use of masks among all the staff members. Face shields can also be used as a secondary protective block.
Disposable Gloves
Employees should all-time wear disposable gloves, whether they are removing garbage bags or handling and disposing of trash, handling used or dirty food service items, or cleaning and disinfecting surfaces.
PPE safety goggles
According to the director of the National Institute of Allergy and Infectious Diseases Dr. Anthony Fauci, a statement that while not “universally recommended” as of now, “if you have goggles or a face shield, you should wear it.” Any sort of safety goggles, glasses, or face shield can be a good way to protect the lamina in your eyes from exposure to the covid 19 virus.
Employees who are exposed to large numbers of people, as they do in a restaurant, wearing goggles, safety glasses, or a face shield will provide an additional degree of protection from COVID-19.
OSHA Standards for PPE

According to OSHA, existing OSHA guidelines that likely apply to covid-19 include:
- OSHA’s Personal Protective Equipment (PPE) standards (in general industry, 29 CFR 1910 Subpart I), which involve using gloves, eye and face protection, and respiratory protection masks.
- The General Duty Clause, Section 5(a)(1) of the Occupational Safety and Health (OSH) Act of 1970, 29 USC 654(a)(1), which entails that the companies to provide to each worker “employment and a place of employment, which are free from possible dangers that are causing or are likely to cause death or serious physical harm.”
When selecting PPE, consider factors such as function, fit, decontamination ability, disposal, and cost. Employers should review their needs and select the combination of PPE that best protects workers specific to their workplace.
Check out our guide on Practicing Employee Safety in Walk-in coolers, Freezers, and safety guidelines
In Conclusion
No matter what level of risk your company carries for its employees, it should always be their foremost priority to provide the proper kitchen personal protective equipment to them for their safety. You will have to keep everyone at your restaurant or commercial kitchen safe and sound by executing a strict disinfecting and sanitizing procedure. You will not only help in stopping the spread of COVID-19, you will also support and make sure that your business has the best possible chance of staying open and not having to close down due to health quarantine restrictions provided by the government.
Common FAQs About Personal Protective Equipment in the Kitchen
What is PPE in Kitchen?
PPE in cooking or kitchen refers to personal protective equipment, including items like gloves, aprons and goggles, worn to ensure the safety of staff.
What is the List of PPE in Food Industry?
PPE in food industry includes; gloves, aprons, hairnets, safety footwear, eye protection, and masks.
What is PPE in cooking and their uses?
PPE in cooking includes; gloves, aprons, hairnets, safety footwear, eye protection, and masks. These items safeguard workers from potential hazards and maintain hygiene standards.
What are the best PPE equipment for cooking?
The best PPE (Personal Protective Equipment) for cooking typically includes:
- Gloves
- Aprons
- Masks